About Us

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum, nec tempor risus lacinia.

Curabitur a fringilla eros. Pellentesque eu interdum nulla. Pellentesque porttitor dui nec leo condimentum, et euismod mi mollis.

Suspendisse a cursus magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non metus ipsum. Integer elementum enim urna.

Vulputate orci, et ultrices tellus rutrum mollis. Fusce a eros tellus. Ut vitae risus sit amet nisl blandit rutrum quis ac enim. Etiam congue at.

Hanna Smith

Expert volunteer for years

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As many as 32% of slum children drop out of school early or leave with low levels of literacy and numeracy. Girls are encouraged by parents to drop out in order to help at home or get married early. Kindly help educate children.

”If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.”

Through ” Sewing Machine Donation Drive ” We shall support those women who are attending tailoring school or have a graduation certificate in tailoring but lack the financial support to buy the sewing machine. Kindly join hands with us in the Sewing Machine Donation Drive. Sewing machine donation drive,many poor and Deprived women & Girls will Get Sewing Machines and become Successful Entrepreneurs and may be able to Establish their Self-Employment to earn their livelihood as successful entrepreneurs to all the women & girls.

A concrete help for a better and kind world


Donation Info

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.


How we work

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.


Possibility of help

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.


How we help

Quisque eu euismod arcu. Morbi et dapibus diam, sed interdum velit. Proin tempor nunc vel nisl condimentum.

Each donation is an essential help which improves everyone's life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec lobortis diam. Pellentesque nec enim ipsum. Fusce ex nisi, efficitur vel odio eu, egestas mattis .