Tara neema sewa Foundation is here to offer basic or primary education to the children, belonging to the underprivileged class. Among all factors of life, it is true that education holds a special place. So, we have listed out multiple education cases and supporting them to help children get their dream futures ready. We are also working hard on a project, where we aim to construct a proper school for all the underprivileged children. They might have been under different difficult situations like child labor, slum children or belonging from poor families. No matter whatever the case might be, Tara nemma sewa Foundation is trying to construct a new school for them to flourish their educational dreams.
We have been working for Indian education for a long time and supporting various vulnerable children to access the Right to Education. For that, we have covered some innovative ideas like child-tracking systems, forming student groups, holding some major awareness programs and workshops with parents. Our main aim is to help them understand why it is important to send children to school. We are further forming parent committees just to ensure that free schools can run properly.
We are partnering with other institutions to help close the present gap in equity, quality, and access to elementary education. We have a separate team at Tara neema sewa foundation, working particular towards elementary education. Various successful models have been crafted to form the voluntary sector.
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